Sarah G
5'10" - 112 lbs
Background: Pilates, Boxing, Martial Arts
Exercise: Pilates, Boxing Class
Strength: Extremely Long & Flexible Legs
Favorite Hold: One Leg Head Lock
Favorite Roleplay: Black Widow

Sarah G vs Kevin
MMA One-Fall Mixed Fight
KinkSports presents an inter-gender MMA fight at the Underground Mixed Wrestling Club.
3 Minute Rounds, first to tap-out loses
Sarah G (5'10", 112 pounds) is tall with even longer legs than you would think. She is perhaps the most flexible fighter at KinkSports, extremely aggressive, and just an all around natural good wrestler; probably due to her flexibility. She takes on Kevin who nearly twice her size, but also twice her age.
Some people are just born good at wrestling and Sarah seems to be one of them. She is a cross between a python and an octopus, constantly using her legs as the lethal weapons they are.
Both fighters wear MMA gloves and are aloud light punches to the body, arms, and legs.
Witness an incredibly intense and competitive mixed wrestling match between a tall, lengthy, flexible girl and a shorter, heavy, powerful, male opponent. If you ever wondered what it would like like for a Grizzly Bear to fight a giant Python, this match will give you a good idea.
Sarah G vs PabloĀ
Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match
Underground Mixed Wrestling Club
5'10" Sarah at 112 pounds takes on 5'9" and 215 pound Pablo in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match at the underground mixed wrestling club; where our most intense and competitive inter-gender matches happen.
There will be 4 rounds of action, each round will be 3 minutes.Ā
A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold in each round.
Sarah G vs KevinĀ
Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match
Athletic Models vs Men Series
Kevin at 220 pounds takes on Sarah at 112 pounds in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match.
There will be 5 rounds of action, each round will be 2 minutes. Lyzz met Sarah G at her Jiu-Jitsu class after watching her submit a 300 pound man. She knew that she had to invite her to compete in the kinksports wrestling league.
A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold in each round.
Solo purchase also includes 2 Bonus Rounds of Sarah vs Chica Python and Sarah vs Catherine in double bodyscissor challenges