Brand NEW!
All Time Favorites

Brand New Videos

Claudia vs Alejandra

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Patricia vs Joe

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana vs Paulina

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Arias vs Mishelle

Romanoff vs Croft

Fantasy Wrestling



Alejandra vs David

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Cowgirl Tatiana

Farm Girl Discplines the help

Scissorhold Fantasy



Rosalie vs Kevin

Argentine Assassin Debuts

Competitive Wrestling



Anya & Joe

Anniversary Squeeze

Scissorhold Fantasy



Camila vs Eider

Cute Girl-Next-Door Debuts

Wrestling Practice

$12.99 $9.99


Tatiana & Arias

Girl's Night In Scissor Fight

Scissorhold Fantasy



Juliana vs Kevin

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Claudia vs Patricia

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana's sister Isabel

Punishing her sister's boyfriend

Scissorhold Punishment



Claudia vs David

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Valeria vs Natascha

Sister vs Sister (Part 2)

Competitive Wrestling



Patricia vs Paulina

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Alejandra vs Kevin

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana vs Juliana

Tournament at the Mansion

Competitive Wrestling



Anya vs Eider

Vicious Thighs Attacks

Competitive Wrestling



Pauline vs Patricia

Little Sister vs Big Sister

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana vs David

She gives him what he wants

Scissorhold Punishment



Pauline vs Joe

Two Young Athletes

Competitive Wrestling



Sarah G vs Kevin

Tall & Flexible Model

Competitive Wrestling



Patricia vs Anya

Petite body vs Athletic

Competitive Wrestling



Yaqueline vs David

What a lovely night for a squeeze

Scissorhold Punishment



Catherine vs Kevin

Mixed Wrestling Club

Competitive Wrestling



Claudia/Ale vs David

Double Trouble

Foot Domination



Valeria vs Natascha

Sister vs Sister

Competitive Challenges



Pauline vs Eider

Athletic Pauline Debuts

Competitive Wrestling



Agent Yaqueline

Squeeze the air out of Target

Fantasy Scissorhold



Anya vs Joe

First Match Jitters

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana American Psycho

Lady Boss has a Vice

Fantasy Scissorhold



Monica vs Kevin

Underground Mixed Club

Competitive Wrestling



Claudia vs David

Bedroom Games

Scissorhold Fantasy



Valeria vs Lina

Want a Fresh One?

Fantasy Wrestling



Tatiana Gentle Femdom

Pain & Pleasure

Headscissor Fantasy



Patricia vs Eider

Tournament Qualifier

Competitive Wrestling



Natascha vs Eider

High Flying Tennis Girl

Scissorhold Practice



Alejandra vs David

Tricking the Neighbor

Scissorhold Punishment



Vanesa vs Kevin

Boyfriend vs Girlfriend

Scissorhold Wrestling



Tatiana vs David

The Champion Returns

Competitive Wrestling



Lina vs Eider

Pilates Instructor Returns

Competitive Wrestling



Patricia seduces David

Bedroom Scissorholds

Headscissor Fantasy



Athletic Girls Vol. 2

Reverse Headscissor Challenges

Compilation Video (6 shorts)



Claudia/Alejandra vs David

Wreslting Lessons

Competitive 2 vs 1



Tatiana Takes Control

Like you've never seen her Before

Female Domination



Alejandra & Patricia vs David

Headscissor Lessons

Scissorhold Punishment



Tatiana & Eider

Trap & Tickle

Scissorhold Fantaasy



Leidy vs Kevin

Revenge & Rematch for Kevin

Competitive Wrestling



Laura vs David

Savy Veteran takes on a Fan

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana vs Manuel

New Champion defends title

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana & Eider

Spiderwoman Squeeze

Scissorhold Fantaasy



Tatiana Titanium Thighs

Masked Punisher

Fantasy Scissorhold



Maria vs Juan

Cross Fit College Cutie Returns

Competitive Wrestling



Valeria vs Erika

Stronger Legs: Petite vs Thick

Competitive Scissors



Yesenia vs Meily

Petite Girl vs Athletic Build

Competitive Wrestling



Yesenia Punishes Kevin

GoldenEye Scene

Fantasy Scissorhold



Day 2: Tatiana Punishes Eider

Girlfriend catches cheating BF

Scissorhold Punishment



Tatiana in Red Lingerie

Girlfriend catches cheating BF

Scissorhold Punishment



Tatiana in Pink Shorts

Girlfriend catches cheating BF

Scissorhold Punishment



Vanesa vs David

Underground Wrestling Club

Competitive Wrestling



Chica Python vs Kevin

Underground Wrestling Club

Competitive Wrestling



Arias vs Tatiana

Video Shoot Gone Wrong

Fantasy Scissor Domination



Valeria/Natascha vs Kevin

College Sisters take on Man

Competitive Wrestling



Tatiana vs Arias

Oil Wrestling

Competitive Games



Cristina vs Laura B.

Dancer Legs vs Gymnast Legs

Competitive Wrestling



Valerie vs Kevin

Underground Mixed Club

Competitive Wrestling



Leidy vs David

Underground Mixed Club

Competitive Wrestling



Andrea vs Dahiana

Custom Mount & Choke Request

Competitive Wrestling



Ashley Wildcat Leg Day

The Legend has Arrived

Scissorhold Session



Yesenia vs Manuel

Outdoor Battle

Competitive Wrestling



Meily vs Eider

Outdoor Battle

Competitive Wrestling



Laura vs Kevin

Underground Mixed Club

Competitive Wrestling



Thick & Powerful

Yaqueline vs Kevin

Competitive Wrestling



Couch Punishment

Leidy, Lina, Laura B., Vanesa

Scissorhold Punishment



Maria vs Laura

Soccer Legs vs Cross Fit Legs

Competitive Wrestling



Hot Tub Squeeze

Dahiana, Maria, & Yaqueline

Scissorhold Punishment



Dahiana vs Manuel

Yoga Mom vs College Boy

Competitive Wrestling



16 Person Single Elimination Tournament

16 fighters (14 women, 2 men), all with a ranking, opponents randomly selected out of a hat...In the END, there can be ONLY ONE.

Visit the Tournament Page for more information


#6 Jimena vs #10 Laura B

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #1



#12 Cristina vs #14 Patricia

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #2



#4 Andrea vs #2 Kevin

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #3



#8 Fernanda vs #16 Carolina

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #4



#7 Valentina vs #15 Valeria

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #5



#9 Erika vs #13 Natascha

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #6



#11 Dahiana vs #3 Mateo

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #7



#1 Yesenia vs #5 Monica

Elimination Tournament

Round 1, FIGHT #8



Round 2

#6 Jimena vs #14 Patricia

Elimination Tournament

Round 2, FIGHT #9



#2 Kevin vs #16 Carolina

Elimination Tournament

Round 2, FIGHT #10



#1 Yesenia vs #3 Mateo

Elimination Tournament

Round 2, FIGHT #11



#7 Valentina vs #13 Natascha

Elimination Tournament

Round 2, FIGHT #12




#2 Kevin vs #14 Patricia

Elimination Tournament

Semi-Finals, FIGHT #13



#1 Yesenia vs #7 Valentina

Elimination Tournament

Semi-Finals, FIGHT #14




#1 Yesenia vs #14 Patricia

Elimination Tournament

Championship, FIGHT #15



From Dusk till Dawn 2024 Tournament

6 fighters (4 women, 2 men), stuck in a cabin for one full night from Dusk till Dawn will battle it out on the mats...all night! Everyone has four fights, the two with the best records & points combination will battle it out in a championship match

Maria vs Eider

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #1



Yesenia vs Pablo

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #2



Tatiana vs Alejandra

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #3



Yesenia vs Eider

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #4



Alejandra vs Pablo

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #5



Maria vs Tatiana

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #6



Alejandra vs Eider

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #7



Tatiana vs Pablo

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #8



Maria vs Yesenia

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #9



Tatiana vs Eider

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #10



Maria vs Pablo

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #11



Alejandra vs Yesenia

Dusk till Dawn Tournament

Match #12



Tatiana vs Yesenia

Dusk till Dawn Tournament




Wrestling Streaming TV Service

Competitive Mixed Wrestling, Female Wrestling & Scissorhold Streaming

All Streaming on One Platform

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$20/Month (Cancel Anytime)

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Compilations & All Time Favorites

Acrobatic Hanging Reverse Compilation

From 6 Unique Matches


Hanging Figure-4 Reverse Headscissor Compilation

6 Different Rounds


Compilation video of 6 different rounds of our Extreme Scissor Escape Challenges with each round being our unique Acrobatic Figure Four Reverse Headscissor hold, also known as the hanging figure four reverse or rear naked with legs hold.

These are competitive mixed wrestling rounds with one caveat; the man starts out trapped in a scissor hold to begin each round.

Points are scored by dominating the round, having your opponent pinned or trapped in a scissorhold at the end of the round, and submission.

The 6 rounds are:

Vanesa (5'8", 142 lbs) vs Kevin

Natalia (5'1", 108 lbs) vs Kevin

Natalia (5'1", 108 lbs) vs Manuel

Paola (5'0", 103 lbs) vs Kevin

Lina (5'7", 112 lbs) vs Kevin

Chica Python (5'5", 112 lbs) vs Kevin

5 of our most flexible and agile girls trying to take down larger men using an almost inescapable hold when applied correctly.

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Tag Team Match

Men vs Women

Competitive Tag Team Match

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club


In our first ever competitive tag team scissorhold wrestling match, Kevin (6'2", 220 lbs) and Manuel (5'9", 150 lbs) team up to take on new friends Laura B. (5'6", 123 lbs) and Chica Python (5'5", 112 lbs).

This is a 3 round match, each round is 4 minutes long. In each round a member of the men's team starts out trapped in a leg scissorhold by one of the women.

(Bonus: extra sparring round with Laura B. wearing MMA gloves throwing punches at Manuel)

One person from each team is allowed on the mat at a time with one exception: when a tag is made, both members of the team can remain on the mat for 10 seconds.

  • 1 Point is given each round to the team judged to be the most dominant
  • 1 Point if you have your opponent pinned or trapped in a scissorhold when the clock hits zero
  • 3 Points for submission

Men's strategy: The men's plan is to keep Kevin matched up against Chica Python and Manuel matched up against Laura B. as much as possible as they deem those match-ups the most favorable for them. Laura B. is Kevin's ex-girlfriend, and though he has a considerable size advantage against her, he admittedly has had a difficult time controlling her in 1vs1 matches. He believes that she knows his weaknesses too well from all of their fun bedroom wrestling matches that they had when they dated. Furthermore, with almost a 100 pound weight advantage over Chica Python, the men believe that Kevin's size will be too much for her to overcome, while Manuel can better match Laura B's gymnastic strength and agility.

Women's Strategy: Though they had just met, Laura B. and Chica Python came together quickly and built a well thought out strategy. They determined that Laura B. was the stronger of the two with her gymnastics background and more equipped to go toe to toe with either of the men pound for pound. Meanwhile, Laura B. had no problem conceding that Chica Python and her incredible flexibility was not only the better grappler of the two, but the most skilled wrestler of all four competitors. With this information they built a game plan around Laura B. taking the majority of the work load in an attempt to tire out both men. Then, with the men exhausted from trying to control Laura, the women would turn to Chica Python as their closer to come in and use her superior grappling skills to wrap her legs around one of the men and win the round.

Find out which strategy succeeded and which team ultimately won.

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Schoolgirl Pin Compilation

7 Competitive Challenges


Schoolgirl Pin Compilation

19 Minutes of Competitive Action


If you enjoy watching fit and petite woman sitting on the chest of a larger man as they look down at them smiling with dominance, this is the video for you.

Compilation of some of our best competitive schoolgirl pin rounds with petite women taking on larger men.

Our competitive scissorhold challenge wrestling matches are a competitive wrestling match between a man and a woman with one caveat; in each round the man starts out in some type of scissorhold or wrestling hold.

This video is a collection of the schoolgirl pin round in 7 different matches, with an emphasis on our model wrestlers that are more on the petite side.

The 7 rounds include:

1. Natalia (5'3", 108 pounds) vs Kevin (6'2", 220 lbs)

2. Paola (5'1", 103 pounds) vs Manuel (5'9", 150 lbs)

3. Natalia (5'3", 108 pounds) vs Manuel (5'9", 150 lbs)

4. Juliana (5'4", 124 pounds) vs Toro (5'7", 173 lbs)

5. Natascha (5'6", 110 pounds) vs James (5'10", 165 lbs)

6. Meily (5'5", 110 pounds) vs Kevin (6'2", 220 lbs)

7. Valeria (5'3", 112 pounds) vs Pablo (5'9", 215 lbs)

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Reverse Headscissor Compilation

Petite Girls Edition (Volume 1)


Reverse Headscissor Challenges

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club


5 Different Petite Girls

13 Minutes

This is our Petite Girls Edition of our Reverse Headscissor Challenge Compilation.

Some times the smallest girls have the tightest squeezes!

Competitive Reverse Headscissor Challenge from 5 different girls and matches; a competitive wrestling match between a man and a woman where the man starts off trapped in a reverse headscissor hold by the woman.

The 5 match ups in this video are:

1. Natalia (5'3" and 108 pounds) vs Manuel (5'9" and 150 pounds) *Gymnast legs

2. Lina (5'7" and 112 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 pounds) *Pilates legs

3. Valerie (5'3" and 114 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 pounds) *Soccer legs

4. Natascha (5'6" and 110 lbs) vs James (5'10" and 170 pounds) *Tennis legs

5. Paola (5'1" and 103 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 pounds) *Cross Fit legs

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Rear Naked Choke & Body Scissor Combo Compilation

7 Petite Girls taking down Larger Men with the Rear Naked Hold


Petite Girls Scissorhold Series

18 Minutes


This is a compilation video featuring 7 different women battling men in a competitive rear naked choke escape wrestling match.

The 7 rounds are:

Lina (5'7" & 112 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs)

Paola (5'2" & 103 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs)

Chica Python (5'6" & 114 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs)

Valeria (5'3" & 112 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs)

Juliana (5'4" & 124 lbs) vs Toro (5'7" and 173 lbs)

Sarah G (5'10 & 112 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs)

Natascha (5'6" & 110 lbs) vs James (5'10" and 165 lbs)

There's something sexy about a petite woman taking the back of a larger man as she simultaneously wraps her arms around his neck and legs around his body, and then starts squeezing tighter and tighter with all of her strength.

You can always see the confidence in the man's face being deflated as it is replaced by a look of concern, regret, embarrassment, and humiliation. The tables have turned as he starts to realize he is being overpowered by a petite woman and on the verge of having to submit and tap out.

This video is a compilation of 7 such instances where petite woman battled larger men in our Extreme Scissor Escape Wrestling Match; a competitive wrestling match between a man and a woman where the man must start each round in some type of scissor hold.

These are rear naked choke + body scissor combo rounds. In each instance the woman begins the round having a tight rear naked choke and body scissor on the man, and once the round begins it becomes a competitive battle as the woman tries to submit the man and the man tries to escape so that he can make the woman submit.

Each round features a different woman.

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Flexible Goth Girl vs Male Soccer Jock

Battle of two people from very different walks of life


Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club


Chica Python vs Manuel

15 Minutes

Chica Python (5'6" 114 pounds) is a goth girl with incredible flexibility, and though she does not spend time in the gym, true to her name "Python" she knows how to wrap herself around her opponents and slowly squeeze them into submission.

Manuel (5'9" and 150 pounds) is a Soccer Jock who is not about to lose a wrestling match to a non-athlete, less his friends and teammates will never let him forget it.
Great competitive scissor escape wrestling match between two people from different walks of life.

This is a 5 Round Competitive Match. The starting positions of the rounds are:
1. Front Side Headscissors
2. Reverse Headscissor
3. Rear Naked Choke and Bodyscissor Combo
4. Side Reverse Figure Four Headscissor
5. Acrobatic Hanging Upside Down Reverse Headscissor

Points are scored by:
1 Point per round to the fighter judged to be the most dominant
1 Point for pinning or trapping opponent in a scissorhold at the end of the round
3 Points for making your opponent submit or tap-out.

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Reverse Headscissor Competitive Challenge Compilation

8 Clips of Athletic Built Girls vs Larger Men


Athletic Girls Scissorhold Series

19 Minutes


This is a compilation video of 8 different competitive reverse headscissor challenges between a man and an athletically built woman.

The reverse headscissor challenge is a competitive wrestling match where the man begins trapped in a reverse headscissor by the woman. Once the round begins, she tries to make him submit or keep him trapped until the end of the round. If the man is able to escape, it instantly becomes a competitive wrestling match.

The 8 Competitions are:

1. Monica (5'7" and 142 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2 and 220 lbs) -*volleyball thighs

2. Laura (5'4" and 128 lbs) vs Manuel (5'9" and 150 lbs) -*boyfriend vs girlfriend

3. Maria (5'2" and 130 lbs) vs James (5'10" and 170 lbs) - *crossfit cutie

4. Laura (5'4" and 128 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs) - *soccer fullback

5. Yesenia (5'11" and 128 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs) - *runway model

6. Andrea (5'9" and 152 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs) - *cyclist

7. Leidy (5'2" and 134 lbs) vs Manuel (5'9" and 150 lbs) - *bubble butt weightlifter

8. Mariana (5'9" and 134 lbs) vs Kevin (6'2" and 220 lbs) - *former volleyball star


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Natalia vs Manuel

Petite Gymnast vs Male Soccer Player


Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Natalia vs Manuel - 15 minutes

Natalia is tiny at only 5'1" and 108 pounds, but she is a former gymnast and much stronger than one would think. Manuel finds this out the hard way. Though he has a significant size advantage at 5'9" and 150 pounds, the smaller Natalia proves to be the better grappler using her flexibility and powerful legs to control him for the majority of the time.

In addition, Natalia's stamina is amazing. She spends most of her free time in the gym these days and it really shows as she wears down Manuel who is out of breath for most of the match.

There will be 5 rounds of action, each round will be 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold in each round.

Natalia uses her gymnastics strength and high stamina in an attempt to wear out her larger opponent.

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Lina vs Manuel

Pilates Instructor vs Male Soccer Player


Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club


Lina vs Manuel

15 Minutes

Lina, our resident Pilates Instructor, is back to take on Manuel in an extreme competitive scissor escape wrestling match; a wrestling match where the man starts out each round in a scissor hold by the woman.

Both fighters did not want to lose, and the competitiveness of the two really comes out. Though Manuel is able to use his strength to dominate the majority of the match, there are times where Lina uses her flexibility and Pilates leg squeeze power to put him on the edge of defeat. She is able to trap him in headscissors and triangle chokes and even a rear naked choke several times throughout the match that do not include the starting scissor hold positions

This is a 4 round match, each round is 3 minutes long, plus an additional 5th scissor punishment round at the end where Lina just gets to squeeze away and try to make Manuel tap out as many times as she can before he completely calls it quits.

The 4 starting positions of the main match are:

1. Front Headscissor

2. Reverse Headscissor

3. Standing Rear Naked Choke with body scissor combo

4. Headscissor from behind


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Laura B vs Yesenia

Former Gymnast vs Current Runway Model


Female Lingerie Wrestling


Laura B. vs Yesenia & Laura - 15 minutes

Laura B (5'6" 123 lbs, gymnast background) vs Yesenia (5'11" 128 lbs, runway model) in a competitive wrestling match including double bodyscissor, side bodyscissor, and Sonya Blade hand stand grab with feet to begin the rounds. They also compete in an arm wrestling match.

Then Laura B takes on the original Laura (5'4" 128 lbs, soccer background) in a wrestling match and arm wrestling competition.

Laura B meets the woman who humiliated her boyfriend at the sand wrestling tournament (Kevin) for the first time and challenges her to wrestle in order for the couple to save face.

At the drive over to the after party, Laura was quite confused when her new boyfriend told her that he was eliminated earlier that day from the Sand Mixed Wrestling Tournament by another girl.

Was he joking? Was it not a real wrestling match?

He explained how she had the advantage of each round of having him trapped in a scissor hold, and that ultimately her legs were able to tire him out as she squeezed the life out of him.

This explanation only infuriated Laura even more; the thought of having a model's legs wrapped around her boyfriend and squeezing him with all of her might almost felt like cheating to her. Laura's thoughts were, "If anyone is going to dominate my boyfriend with her legs, it is going to be me!"

When she finally met the 5'11" Yesenia wearing her high heels, she could see that this girl had extremely long legs. But she was still a girl, and quite a thin girl at that, how could this model make her man of a boyfriend submit and tap-out?

She felt humiliated just being in her presence, as if everyone was thinking that Yesenia was a superior being than she and her boyfriend. If their relationship was going to work, she needed to do something to defend their honor, she could not just live with the fact that a woman defeated her man.

Thus, Laura challenged Yesenia to a match right then and there. Despite wearing a fancy dress, Yesenia accepted the challenge. The two women went to go strip down to wrestle in their lingerie while they told Kevin to lay out the couch mattresses as the wrestling mats.

In addition, Laura B. challenges Laura who also humiliated Kevin in a wrestling match.

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Model Humiliates Man in Front of His Girlfriend

Lingerie Headscissor Challenge Wrestling


Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Tournament Afterparty Series


Yesenia vs Kevin

14 Minutes

Imagine you show up to a party with your new girlfriend. Your girlfriend gets into a scruff with another tall and exotic woman. They proceed to settle their dispute on the wrestling mats. You cheer her on, but she is defeated by this attractive other woman.

Now that woman challenges you, a grown man, to that same type of wrestling match. She has long, lean, and very defined strong legs, but she is still much smaller than you. 

It would be embarrassing enough to lose to a woman in a wrestling match, but if you let a woman defeat both you and your girlfriend back-to-back? That might just be a relationship killer.


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Dahiana vs Mateo

Yoga Mom vs Lazy Video Game Playing Man


Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Sexy Single Mom vs Lazy Single Man with No responsibilities

Dahiana vs Mateo - 14 minutes

Unique competitive wrestling match between two people from different walks of life.

Dahiana is a tough single mom who has to fight everyday for the survival of herself and her daughter. On top of her mother and work duties, she somehow finds the time to go to the gym where she lifts heavy weights with her legs to relieve stress, as well as attend yoga classes making her much more limber than one might think.

Mateo is a lazy single man with little to no real world responsibilities.  He spends his free time playing video games and eating chips.

Who wins in this competitive scissor escape wrestling match? This is a 5 round competitive match where the man begins each round in some type of scissorhold by the woman.

The Five starting rounds are:

1. Side Body Scissors

2. Front Headscissors

3. Schoolgirl Pin

4. Reverse Headscissors

5. Body Scissors from Behind

Dahiana wears tight yoga pants throughout the match that showcases the curves of her legs, thighs, and butt. Even with the pants, you can see here legs and butt pulsating as she squeezes Mateo as tight as she can.

If you are a fan of schoolgirl pins and face sitting in a competitive match this is the fight for you. Dahiana repeatedly out wrestles Mateo and traps him in a schoolgirl pin with her thighs locked tightly around his head as she looks down at him and smiles away.



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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club


Sarah G vs Pablo

14 Minutes

5'10" Sarah at 112 pounds takes on 5'9" and 215 pound Pablo in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match at the underground mixed wrestling club; where our most intense and competitive inter-gender matches happen.

There will be 4 rounds of action, each round will be 3 minutes. 

A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold in each round.


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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Underground Mixed Wrestling Club

Mariana vs Ronal 


5'9" Mariana at 134 pounds takes on 5'8" and 197 pound Ronal in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match at the underground mixed wrestling club; where our most intense and competitive inter-gender matches happen.

There will be 4 rounds of action, each round will be 3 minutes. 

A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold in each round.

These days Mariana is a stay at home mother (MILF). However, once upon a time she was a competitive volleyball player with a viscous spike. You can see the definition in her volleyball trained legs when she is squeezing Ronal trying to take his breath away. Her competitiveness really comes out throughout this match as she refuses to submit and give up, even when it seems like that is the only option. She constantly shocks the much bigger Ronal as he is unable to finish her off, and instead often finds the situation being reversed as Mariana finds a way to wrap her long legs around him and take control of the round and match.

The 4 Round Starting Positions are:

1. Front Headscissor

2. Reverse Headscissor

3. Schoolgirl Pin

4. Rear Naked Choke

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Vanesa vs Kevin - 15 minutes

19 year old Vanesa (5'8" and 142 pounds) is a young, athletic girl with powerful legs and great flexibility. She takes on 40 year old Kevin (6'2" and 220 pounds) who has been competing in sports his whole life and doesn't believe it is possible for a young athletic girl to beat him in anything, let alone wrestling.
This is a competitive mixed wrestling match with one caveat; the man starts out trapped in a scissor hold to begin each round.

The 5 Round Starting Holds are:
1. Triangle Choke
2. Reverse Headscissor
3. Rear Naked Choke
4. Acrobatic Hanging Reverse Headscissor
5. Schoolgirl Pin

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Maria vs James - 13 minutes

Maria, a cross-fit enthusiast, takes on the athletic soccer player James in both of their debut matches.

Maria is giving up 8 inches and close to 40 pounds to her larger male opponent, but her legs are pure muscle to go along with her high level of endurance and surprising quickness.

It was thought that James had both the size and quickness advantage coming into the match due to his soccer experience, but Maria put the rest of the league on notice that she might be the quickest wrestler to date.

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Athletic Models vs Men Series


Sarah G vs Kevin - 12 minutes

Plus 2 Bonus Double Bodyscissor Challenge Rounds

  • Sarah vs Chica Python
  • Sarah vs Catherine

Sarah, a Colombian model, at 5'10" and 112 lbs goes toe to toe with Kevin weighing 220 lbs and standing 6'2" tall.

This is a competitive extreme scissor escape match. The match is 5 rounds, with each round lasting 2 minutes.

Sarah is considered to be the most flexible wrestler at KinkSports, and she uses that flexibility combined with her long legs to put her victims in painful holds. She is currently taking martial arts classes and shows Kevin in this match that she is a deadly competitor.

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Sand Beach Tournament Series


Yesenia vs Manuel - 14 minutes

Yesenia, a professional runway model, at 5'11" and 128 lbs goes toe to toe with Manuel weighing 150 lbs and standing 5'9" tall.

This is a competitive extreme scissor escape match held on a sand volleyball court and part of our 2023 Sand Beach Tournament Series.

The match is 5 rounds, with each round lasting 2 and a half minutes (150 seconds)

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Plus: Semi-Competitive Outdoor Wrestling Match

Plus: 3 Bonus Rounds
  • Chica Python vs Patricia Pilates Double Body Scissor Challenge
  • Chica Python vs Sarah G Double Body Scissor Challenge
  • Chica Python vs Kevin grappling at the gym

$20 $11

*on sale for a limited time

Chica Python vs Kevin - 28.5 Minutes

This video includes a 4 round competitive scissor escape match (12 minutes) between the beautiful Latina brunette Chica Python at 5'6" and 112 lbs, vs the Gringo Kevin at 6'2" and 220 lbs.

In addition, a 3 round semi-competitive match (9.5 minutes) between the two is included that was the prequel to the main event when these two first met and wrestled each other.

Also included are three bonus rounds of wrestling action with Chica Python (7 minutes)

28.5 Total Minutes of Action!

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Vanesa vs Pablo - 13 minutes

Newcomer Vanesa (5'8" tall and 142 pounds) was eager to compete in a scissor escape challenge match, but there was one thing that was kind of annoying us; she wouldn't stop bragging about how strong her legs were.

At first it was cute, but she just wouldn't stop bragging about her leg strength. So instead of easing her into the league, we decided to put her up against the powerful 230 pound Pablo who was looking to get his feet wet as well in our mixed wrestling league.

Two rookies go head-to-head in a competitive mixed wrestling bout where the man will start out trapped in the woman's legs to begin each round. 

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Bedroom Battle Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Lina vs Kevin - 11 minutes

Kevin at 6'2" and 220 pounds takes on ultra flexible Lina at 5'7" and 114 pounds in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match held on two king size beds.

The fighters agree to 5 rounds of action, each round will be 2 minutes.

At the start of each round Kevin starts out trapped in some type of scissor hold.

Lina is almost too thin and doesn't look particularly strong, but her legs seem to fit perfectly around Kevin's neck. When she starts squeezing, you can see the muscle definition come out from her Pilates practice. This girl is stronger than she looks and extremely flexible. Men who underestimate her do so at their own peril.

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Sand Beach Tournament Series


Serafina vs Kevin & Serafina vs Manuel - 24 Minutes

Inexperienced and undersized, Serafina looks to upset the over confident Kevin who outweighs her by 90 pounds in a mixed wrestling scissor escape challenge match. This match is part of the sand wrestling tournament series.

A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold each round.

BONUS: This video also includes "Serafina vs Manuel Bedroom Escape Challenge Match" as a bonus

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Sand Beach Tournament Series


Yesenia vs Kevin - 15 minutes

Yesenia, a professional runway model, at 5'11" and 128 lbs goes toe to toe with Kevin weighing 220 lbs at standing 6'2" tall.

This is a competitive extreme scissor escape match held on a sand volleyball court and part of our 2023 Sand Beach Tournament Series. This was a semi-final match.

The match is 5 rounds, with each round lasting 2 and a half minutes (150 seconds)

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Bedroom Battle Competitive Escape Match


Natalia vs Kevin - 11 Minutes

Kevin at 220 pounds takes on Natalia at 108 pounds in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match in the bedroom, using 2 king size beds as the wrestling mats

There will be 5 rounds of action, each round will be 2 minutes. At more than twice her size and age, this is power & strength versus youthful energy, quickness, & flexibility.

A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold in each round.

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Sand Beach Tournament Series


Laura vs Valentina - 10 minutes

Laura and her powerful scissor holds, takes on the gym rat Valentina in her first ever match.

This is a competitive extreme scissor escape match held on a sand volleyball court as part of our Sand Beach Tournament series. This was the first round of the tournament (the quarterfinals).

The match is 4 rounds, with each round lasting 2 and a half minutes (150 seconds)

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match

Sand Beach Tournament Series


Valerie vs Manuel - 14 minutes

Two speedy and quick soccer strikers go head to head. They are practically the opposite sex doppelgänger of each other. Manuel's teammates will never let him forget it if he is unable to beat a girl who plays the same position as him.

This is a competitive extreme scissor escape match held on a sand volleyball court as part of our Sand Beach Tournament series. This was the first round of the tournament (the quarterfinals).

The match is 5 rounds, with each round lasting 2 and a half minutes (150 seconds)

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Laura vs Kevin - 17 minutes

+4 Bonus Scissor Challenge Rounds (another 6 minutes of squeezing torture)

Kevin at 220 pounds takes on Laura at 128 pounds in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match.

There will be 7 rounds of action, each round will be either 2 or 3 minutes (over 17 minutes of action)

A true competitive male vs female wrestling match with one caveat: the man starts out trapped in a scissorhold each round.

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Extreme Competitive Scissor Escape Match


Valerie vs Kevin - 15 minutes

Kevin at 220 pounds takes on Valerie at 114 pounds in a competitive extreme scissor escape challenge match.

The fighters agree to 6 rounds of action, each round will be 2 minutes.

At the start of each round Kevin starts out trapped in some type of scissor hold.

Valerie starts off slow, but turns it around and puts herself in position to pull off the huge upset!

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For Couples: Role-Play Setup Plans - Choose Your Adventure

Role-Play Setup: Wrestling Games & Challenges

$27 per month
  • Monthly Unique Sex Night Dates
  • 16 Unique Games to play in the first 2 months
  • Platform access with member's only content, score keeping
  • Ability to customize your fantasy
  • Cancel Anytime 


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BDSM Role-Play Adventures: Femdom Edition

$27 per month

  • Monthly Unique Sex Date with Femdom Themes
  • Background Stories and Character Development for a couple to role-play
  • Each date has the option of a game component to add into the scene
  • Ability to customize the scene
  • Cancel Anytime
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BDSM Role-Play Adventures: Alpha Male and Submissive Beauty Edition

Coming Soon

Looking to dominate your lover in a sexy wrestling match...or maybe be dominated?

This intense and competitive program will walk you and your partner through 4 athletic sex dates, all centered around different types of wrestling games and challenges.

Foreplay will never be more fun as you work up a sweat and play out dominant and submissive roles with your lover.

You'll receive a new round of games every two weeks for two full months worth of sex dates with your partner.

Let the Games Begin!

Watch below to learn more or click here

Scissor Wrestling Video Membership

Competitive Scissor Escape & Mixed Wrestling Video Platform

What you'll get:

  • Beautiful Girl-Next-Door Athletes

  • Men vs Women: Real Competitive Scissor Escape Challenges

  • Female vs Female: Grappling & double body scissor strength challenges

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