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Kinksports Plus Streaming TV new releases in November 2024

competitive headscissors competitive mixed wrestling female vs female wrestling headscissor challenge male vs female man taps out to girl mixed wrestling tournament outdoor mixed wrestling reverse headscissors tatiana kinksports tyler lynn underground mixed wrestling club yesenia kinksports

Kinksports Plus Streaming TV is the optimal membership platform for people who enjoy content around mixed wrestling, female wrestling, and scissorhold (headscissors and bodyscissors) videos. After launching about a year ago, we now have over 100 full videos streaming and are adding at least two new videos per week; anywhere from 8-12 a month.

If you are looking for variety in your membership and not the same video over and over again with different models, then this is the membership platform for you. We do a variety of competitive mixed wrestling matches, female vs female matches, headscissor challenges, and have recently filmed oil wrestling matches and 2 vs 1 competitive matches (2 women vs 1 man) that will be released on the platform in the coming months.

We are always looking for new and exciting ideas and scenarios in an effort to give our customers what they want and beyond. If you have an idea for a new type of match let us know what it is on our custom request page. If you can help us get it made by sponsoring it we will be grateful, but even if you can't and the idea is good enough we might go ahead and make it anyways.

Here is a breakdown of the new matches and videos that are being released on the platform in November 2024:

1. Meily vs Eider

A few months ago newcomer Meily put a beating on Kevin, the president of the Underground Mixed Wrestling Club. She came in wearing a sun dress and looking kind of frail. However, when she slipped off the dress to reveal her pink panties, you could see that she worked out regularly with well defined legs and a few crunches away from a six pack which always provides for optional scissorhold squeeze power. She also didn't mention that she has previously trained in Judo. Kevin had no idea what he was in for as Meily used her quickness an grappling skills to force him into submission several times, leaving him humiliated and embarassed as a petite girl in pink panties demolished him.

If you enjoyed watching Meily shock Kevin, you will likely enjoy her doing almost the same exact thing to the macho Eider. Filmed outdoors, Eider didn't even bother to take off his jeans and put on gym shorts when he saw Meily for the first time looking frail again (This might be her strategy) wearing a sexy red lingerie one piece. However, as soon as the fight began he realized that Meily was stronger and more skilled than she appears. This match ended with some blood, and for added humiliation, Eider's girlfriend Tatiana watched the fight from the sidelines.

2. Yesenia vs Alejandra

The last preliminary match of the tournament before the championship. Based on the standings, this match actually ended up being a semi-finals fight as the winner would go on to fight Tatiana. If Yesenia wins she would secure the number 1 spot in the standings and face Tatiana at number 2, while if Alejandra upsets Yesenia she would sneak into the number 2 seed and her sister Tatiana would gain the 1 seed. Newcomer Alejandra ended up being the surprise of the tournament finishing much better than anyone thought. Most had her finishing dead last, but she was able to get a few upset wins along the way to put herself in position for a rematch against her sister Tatiana for the championship, but can she get by the undefeated Yesenia? 

3. Yesenia vs Tatiana

After 12 hours of non stop wrestling at the "From Dusk till Dawn Tournament", the top two seeds and undefeated warriors Yesenia and Tatiana will battle it out for the championship. Both are undefeated not only in the tournament, but in their careers at the Underground Mixed Wrestling Club, so for one of these women they will taste defeat for the first time while the other will be crowned the club championship belt holder.

4. Yesenia vs Manual

Almost a year after Manuel was utterly beaten and defeated by Yesenia at our sand mixed wrestling tournament in front of a public crowd, he finally gets a chance at redemption in this outdoor mixed wrestling match. Manuel came in mentally prepared, but unbeknownst to him is Yesenia is in even better shape than she was a year ago as she has been going to the gym regularly and taking yoga classes to increase her flexibility.

5. Tatiana vs Kevin

This was one of Tatiana's first matches at the Underground Mixed Wrestling Club. She entered the club as a fitness model, so everyone knew that she would be strong and in great shape, but no one knew how aggressive she would be on the mats. She definitely established herself as the alpha female at the club in this match as the men who were present went from eagerly wanting to wrestle her when she walked in, to taking a giant step back as they watched her dismantle Kevin.

6. Tyler Lynn & Rikki

This is our second video that we are releasing on the platform that we did not produce and film ourselves. As we mentioned last month with the release of an Ashley Wildcat video, we are looking to buy the rights of more films and videos from other producers to give our customers more variety in our goal of becoming the Netflix of mixed wrestling, female wrestling, and scissorhold content. In this video, the legend Tyler Lynn decides to try out Ashley Wildcat's new leg workout routine by squeezing Rikki senseless between her thighs.


7. Valentina vs Kevin

This is a match from our sand mixed wrestling tournament that was filmed about a year ago, that quite frankly we forgot to put on the streaming service. This was Valentina's first mixed wrestling match, and she uses her thick muscular thighs effectively to surprise Kevin. In the end, the size difference is too much for her to overcome. At only 5 feet tall and going up against Kevin at 6'2" there was a significance size difference that can be witnessed as the two face off. Still, Valentina was visibly upset when she lost; she actually expected to win which tells you a lot about her personality. 

Be sure to check out Valentina who recently returned to Kinksports for our 16 person single elimination tournament.


8. Valerie vs Kevin practice rounds

Another lost footage film from our first month of shooting content in the summer of 2023, Valerie and Kevin have several practice wrestling rounds and scissorhold competitions. If you think a petite girl who doesn't go to the gym every week can't make a grown man twice her size submit with her legs then watch this video to be proven wrong. Valerie did play soccer growing up, but now at 22 she doesn't play sports and only works out every so often. Still, she seems to have some natural squeezing ability which Kevin finds out first hand.

Valerie recently returned to the club to film a competitive 5 round match with Kevin. She has gained about 10 pounds since this video, but the new slightly heavier Valerie is stronger than before and still just as quick, making for an intense competitive intergender wrestling match. Check out the newest Valerie vs Kevin fight.

All of these matches are available for single purchase, or you can watch all of them and 100 more, plus at least 8 more new ones released every month for the low price of $20 per month on our KinkSports Plus Streaming TV service.

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